How to Care for Your Heating in the Summer
We have already supplied you with a post regarding heating repair tips in the winter, now is the time to talk about the summer.
Replacing the Filter
The best way to prevent potential problems is to check the filter every month! Now is the perfect time to check your air filter and set a calendar reminder to inspect it every 30 days or so, depending on the usage? We recommend cleaning or replacing your air filter every 30-60 days and never wait more than 90 days to replace it. You can check the status of it removing it and holding it up to the light. When it looks clogged and dirty, then you need to replace it. If light can pass through and it still looks white, check it again in another 2 weeks.
Checking the Wiring
You should always inspect the wiring throughout your home to check to see if it is still safe and working properly. And make sure you do not use extension cords as a permanent solution, and all electrical equipment has a label that shows it has been tested by a certified electrician.
If you start to notice any of the following electrical warning signs, switch off your heating system immediately, and wait for a professional heating repair technician to take a look:
- Crackling, sizzling, or buzzing sounds;
- Dimming or flickering of the lights;
- Warm or blackened wall plates;
- Burning/fish/sulfur odors emanating from electrical equipment;
- Mild shock or tingles from appliances or switches;
Check the Condenser Unit
Over time, your heat pump will accumulate a great deal of dirt and debris. And while nothing beats a professional cleaning, we at Airteks HVAC Services recommend supplementing this with a little DIY cleaning of your own.
To sum up our post, if you think that you may need heating repair and live in or around the Stockton, CA area, call Airteks HVAC Services today at (209) 213-3915 for an appointment.