Stockton, CA 95212 (209) 213-3915

Insights From a Trusted HVAC Contractor

Common HVAC Maintenance Mistakes That You Shouldn’t Make  

Ask any HVAC contractor and they’ll tell you that many heating and cooling equipment issues are caused by human error and neglect. This isn’t really surprising since a lot of homeowners believe that they are good to go as long as their HVAC equipment has been installed by experts and is working as designed. What’s wrong with this mindset is that installation is only half the battle; to make the most of your investment, you must also properly care for your furnace and AC and keep them in good condition.

Not sure how to maintain your heating and cooling equipment? You can start by avoiding mistakes that can lead to equipment failure, such as the following:

Forgetting to replace the air filters.

The air filters in your HVAC system can get clogged with dust and dirt as time goes by, and they’ll eventually disrupt the airflow in the system and force your heating and cooling equipment to work harder than normal. Clogged filters can also introduce pollutants into your indoor air, which means that you’ll be breathing in unhealthy air that’s filled with various allergens. Because of this, you should remember to replace your HVAC filters before they get clogged and dirty.

Not cleaning the outside unit.

Most ACs are designed to have an outside unit where heat is expelled into the environment, allowing the equipment to properly cool off. This unit is placed inside a cage, but leaves, soil, and other debris can cover the cage as time goes by and eventually prevent it from having proper airflow. When this happens, there’s a chance that your AC will overheat, which can expose its components to premature wear and tear and even lead to damage. Fortunately, you can easily prevent this by cleaning the outside unit regularly and ensuring that it’s always free of debris.

Stay away from these mistakes to keep your HVAC equipment in great condition! If you’d like to get additional advice, or if you’re having issues with your AC or furnace and need help with fixing it, make sure to call Airteks HVAC Services. We’re a trusted HVAC contractor in Stockton, CA, and we can help you with heating and cooling diagnostics, repairs, and more. Get in touch with us today at (209) 213-3915!